Curriculum Vitae
1989 Civil Engineering Exam
- Master of Architecture M.A. Vienna University of Applied Arts
Master course with Prof. W. Holzbauer
- Master of Arts in Interior Design M.A. Vienna University of Applied Arts
- Master Class with Prof.A.Soulek, Prof.J. Spalt
- Worked with Hans Hoffer, Stage designer
- Worked with Luigi Blau, Architect
- Worked with Willhelm Holzbauer, Architect
- Professional Certificate in Archicad 9
- Certificate for the BFI Autocad 2004, 3D
- Trainingseminar for Autocad 12+AME
1991 Certificate for Autocad 10
1976 Mandatory Army Service in the barracks of the Van-Svietenkaserne, Vienna
- 2013 Executive Partner and founder of Tomm Fichtner Architects and Civil Engineering
- Core business: diverse local re-constructions and extensions, enlargements of local private family houses and heritage buildings
- Manage a staff of 3 people, average annual turnover EURO 250,000
- 100 local building evaluations
Major Projects include
2016 Umbau ehem. Stadtmuseum Stadtschlaining
Dachgeschosswohnung Mariahilferstr
Seminarraum Pinkafeld
-competition town hall Jennersdorf mit Architekten; DI Wukits und DI Gasser
2015 Zubau Sommer, Donnerskirchen
Büro und Geschäftshaus KOCH, Oberwart
Ferienappartements Bad Waltersdorf
2014 Dez: EXhibition Personale TOMM FICHTNER , Architect
in der Galerie contemporary , ARB, Eisenstadt
-competition Freibad Bad Tatzmannsdorf
-competition kindergarden und public school Stadtschlaining, Austria
- headoffice building ÖKOWIND im Silo, St Pölten
Haus S+P, Neulengbach
2013 - OSG housing Maisonetten, Goberling, Austria
- competition. Town hall center ” STEINBERG DÖRFL”
2012 - competition. Familiyhotel with Restaurant in Oggau
Center for psychological health Dr. Miksch in Stadtschlaining
MUG, Jugendwohngemeinschaft in kroatisch Tschantschendorf, Bauteil 1
Konzept für die Fürst Esterhazy`sche Privatstiftung Lockenhaus
Teilnahme an der Ausstellung Bauherrnpreis 2011 im Ringturm
Anerkennung für Katamaran Holzbaupreis Burgenland
2.Platz Publikumspreis Holzbaupreis BGLD
2011 Nov. Nominierung zum Bauherrnpreis Österreich für das Seerestaurant Rust Mai, Eröffnung Seerestaurant Katamaran in Rust
Blumengeschäft Sommer „Stil und Stängl“ in Donnerskirchen
2010 Poollandschaft und Garten L. in Pinkafeld
Realisierung und Eröffnung Burgbad Kirchschlag
2009 - competition. Burgbad Kirchschlag 1. Preis
Ausstellung mit ARB in Chile
Obmann STV, SOS Mitmensch BGLD
Zertifizierung als LA 21 Prozessbegleiter
2008 competition Neues Seerestaurant Rust 1. Preis
Ausstellungen mit ARB in Mexico, museo experimental
Jurymitglied bei der Architekturpreisverleihung Land BGLD
2007 Teilnahme an der Architekturausstellung des ARB
in Tel Aviv “ burgenland today“ im Feber 2007
2006 Verleihung Kunstpreis 2006 der Stadt Hartberg
- GA-Verf „Stadtmuseum Hartberg“, mit K2-architektur 1.Preis
Teilnahme an den Architekturtagen BGLD
2005 freelanced self employed Architekt and Zivil engeneer
- diverse Zu- und Umbauten
- Wahl zum Vorsitzenden Stv. des Architekturraum Burgenland
- competition. Rathaus Lockenhaus 2. Platz
- competition Gemeindezentrum Deutsch-Schützen 3. Platz
2004 DG-Ausbau, ZU- und Umbau Cafe-Restaurant Celeste, Wien
Teilnahme an der Ausstellung „ metariss“ in Gyor
- competition, Altes Krankenhaus Oberwart, OSG
- competition Mädcheninternat Bad Gleichenberg
- competition HAK/ HASCH Feldkirch
Re-building of the popular Cafe-Restaurant Celeste with Project Volume of € 400,000
and total area of 1000sqm., for 300 guests
- Designed and implemented largest Spa Camping Holiday Resort Complex in the
province of Burgenland/Bad Tatzmannsdorf Projectvolume EURO 1.5m with 22,000 sqm.
Designed and implemented a Orthopedic Shop (Oberwart Koch Fuss Gesund) with Project Volume of EURO600,000 and total area of 700 sqm.
1996 Designed and built 15 BILLA Supermarket chains across Austria, with average 700 sqm.
selling area across Austria at a total value of EURO 200,000
1992-1993 Head of Office with 25 staff for Architekt P.Leibetseder, Vienna
Designed/Blueprint and Project Team Leader for Central Distribution Warehouse
for BILLA Supermarket chain Wr. Neudorf, largest Distribution warehouse in
Austria at the time, Project Volume EUR 50Mio with a total space of 45.000 sqm.
1991 Re-joined the company „ 6B Architects“
coorganizer “OPEN LOFT”
founding member of “Institut for Objektology”
1990 -1991 One year Sabbatical/World Travelling:
Studying Global Architecture trends in Sri Lanka, South East Asia inc. Borneo, Indonesien, Hongkong, Taiwan, Japan, Neuseeland, Fiji, Polynesien and USA
1984-1990 Free lancing for Architect company “Atelier 6B” in Vienna
-Designing and Constructing roof top apartments, Business and Office
-Designs and reconstructing of private Family and Industrial buildings
-Design Consulting for various large building contracts (more facts numbers, which, names etc…)
1984 Founding member of the Atelier 6B, According to News (largest Austrian weekly
News magazine) ranked under the top 10 of Austrian Architect companies in 1993
2016 DI.Gasser, DI Wukits
2010 K2-Architetur, Erich Kugler, Tibor Tacsay
2006 Vice-President of the “Architekturraum Burgenland” a County of Burgenland Interest Group promoting Architecture in the country of Burgenland, 200 members including local Politicians, Architects and Cultural Associations
Vice president of SOS Mitmensch BGLD Austria
- Member of „Architekturraum Burgenland“
Arch.Heinz Neumann & Partner,
ATP, Achammer,Titthard 6 Partner
Suter und Suter, Vienna
1984 FOUNDING MEMBER OF 6B architects
2014 -public school, Stadtschlaining , BGLD, Austria
-recreation park ,Bad Tatzmannsdorf, BGLD, Austria
2013 -town hall center Steinberg- Dörfl BGLD
2012 -familyhotel and restaurant in Oggau at the Neusiedlersee, BGLD, Austria,
m² netto €
2011 -modfication and interior design of the St. Thomas church, Unterpremstäten, Styria, Austria
m² netto €
2009 -reconstruction of open air pools with new entrance and restaurant from the fifties,
Kirchschlag, NÖ, Austria, m² netto € 1. price
2008 -seaside restaurant katamaran in Rust at the Neusiedlersee, BGLD, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio 1. price
2007 -urban planning citycenter area, mainstreet, Stegersbach, BGLD, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio
2006 -citymuseum in the heritage building in the medieval center of Hartberg in the Steinpeisshaus,
Styria, Austria,
m² netto € 1,5 mio 1. price
2005 -citycenter and firestation of Deutsch-Schützen, BGLD, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio
-enlargement of the town hall in Lockenhaus, BGLD, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio
2004 -OSG housing estate “altes Krankenhaus” in Oberwart, BGLD, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio
-residential school for girls, Bad Gleichenberg, Styria, Austria
m² netto € 1,5 mio
-high school HAK/HASCH in Feldkirch, Vorarlberg
m² netto € 1,5 mio
2002 -waterwork Kleehäufel in Vienna, Austria
m² 1 076 netto € 1,5 mio
-urban planning round Rotunde with hotel, mall, and housing in Oberwart, BGLD, Austria,
m² netto € 1,5 mio
2000 -dialect-institute “Tuits na tuits” Oberschützen, BGLD, Austria
450m² netto € 600 000.-
1996 -condiminium “in den Riedäckern” Eisenstadt, BGLD, Austria as 6B-architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio
1995 - condiminium with 35 WE, in Bruckneudorf, BGLD, Austria as 6B-architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio
1993 -office towers “Georg Brauchle Ring” in Munique, BRD, for Arch. Neumann as 6B-architects
80 000m² netto € 11 mio spezial prize
-housing estate, in Süßenbrunn, NÖ, Austria for ATP as 6B-architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio
-Austrian culture institute in New York, USA as 6B-architects 16th place
190 m² ground, in all 2300m², netto € 4 mio
-condiminium Langwied in Salzburg, Austria as 6B-architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio
1989 -enlargement of the technical museum in Vienna, Austria with ATP as 6B- architects
15 000 m² netto € 1,5 mio
-housing estate Stammersdorf, NÖ, Austria, 50 units from 90-120m² - as 6B- architects m² netto € 1,5 mio 1.prize
-educational center Meidling,Vienna, Austria for BOE as 6B- architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio 1.prize
-Design- center Linz for Suter&Suter as 6B- architects
m² netto € 1,5 mio
1985 -Urban planning “Prato della Valle” Padova, Italy, Golden lion
2012 Anerkennung für Katamaran Holzbaupreis Burgenland
2.nd Publikumspreis Holzbaupreis BGLD
2011 Nov. Nominierung zum Bauherrnpreis Österreich für das Seerestaurant Rust
2009 1. price -reconstruction of open air pools with new entrance and restaurant from the fifties,
Kirchschlag, NÖ, Austria
2008 1. price -seaside restaurant katamaran in Rust at the Neusiedlersee, BGLD, Austria
2006 1. price and Art price of Hartberg, Styria for citymuseum in Hartberg together with
k2- architektur, Austria
2005 -citycenter and firestation of Deutsch-Schützen, BGLD, Austria -enlargement of the town hall in Lockenhaus, BGLD, Austria
1993 spezial prize -office towers “Georg Brauchle Ring” in Munique, BRD, with Arch. Neumann as 6B-architects, Vienna
16th place -Austrian culture institute in New York, USA as 6B-architects
1989 1.prize -housing estate Stammersdorf, NÖ, Austria, 50 units from 90-120m² - as 6B- architects 1.prize-educational center Meidling,Vienna, Austria with BOE as 6B- architects -Design- center Linz with Suter&Suter as 6B- architects
1985 Golden Lion, students competition for prato della valle, Italy
2014 exhibiton “ Tomm Fichtner,Architekt“ galery contemporary Eisenstadt Burgenland
2012 Exhibition“ Bauherrnpreis 2011“, Architektur im Ringturm, Vienna
2011 Nominierung Bauherrnpreis 2011, Haus der Architektur, Klagenfurt
2009 Participated in the Exhibition “alli,aqui, da und dort” in Santiago the chile
2008 Participated in the Exhibition “ da und dort “ with ARB in Mexico, museo experimental
2007 Participated in the Exhibition with ARB in Tel Aviv “ burgenland today“ im Feber 2007
2004 Participated in the Hungarian Architects Exhibition „metariss“ In Budapest, Gyor and
Sopron, 50 Austrian and Hungarian Architects Exhibit work
2002 Elected to the Board of the Burgenland Association of Burgenland the largest body in the
province of Burgenland with 200 members
1985 Participated at the Biennale in Venice „ Prato de la Valle „ (more details)
LECTURES „ Architekturgeschichten” gallery contemporary ,Eisenstadt BGLD
“Verteidigungsstrategien in der Architektur”, Akademie der bildenden Künste Vienna
“Wohnen, Ereignis Raum”, Zukunftswerkstatt SPÖ Vienna
“Sprechen über Architekur “ ZV, Bene, Vienna
“Architecure and research” Arch. fakultet, Zagreb
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Diplom Design Innenarchitektur Spalt
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Diplom Design Innenarchitektur Spalt.
A-7461 Stadtschlaining
+43 664/461 91 27